Oh, J'aime Hardelot.

I am in Hardelot, France. My most favorite place on earth :) 3 years ago I would have never imagined I'd be back so soon. But here I am at this wonderful place yet again. Hardelot. The place of soft sand, the kindest French Grandma, and the greatest French cooking. Cool weather and wind, beautiful sand dunes, forest, walks through the centre ville. Fireworks on the beach, music and dancing, sail boats. Sitting around the table, talking and laughing so hard with friends. Speaking French. One can imagine why my heart and soul is so full to be back here again. :)

I can't quite explain what it is. What makes Hardelot stick out so much to me. It's really pretty cool most of the time. It rains a fair amount as well. The water is cold. The majority of the village was destroyed in the war, leaving it fairly modern compared with the rest of France. But I love this place so much. My heart and soul belong in Hardelot. There's something about the sea that I have always loved. Any coastal town steals my heart fairly easy, but none has ever gained such a fond place as Hardelot :)


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